Search engine optimization, while a very technical practice, is a marketing function—and it needs to be treated like one. SEO-friendly content doesn’t have to be difficult or time-consuming, provided that you understand how on-page SEO can work alongside your content. Are you worried that your aesthetically appealing website is not getting you the right amount of traffic? Does it bother you that all the money you spent on developing a very creative website is going waste. Is your online business so vast that you are having trouble maintaining your site and the beautifully designed structures have all gone haywire as your business developed? In addition to the actual text on your web pages, search engines also examine their structure, the use of keywords in your URLs, the formatting of the page (such as the use of bold font), and which keywords appear in the title and in the body of the text.

Attach yourself to someone or a something with a large relevant audience

Since heading tags typically make text contained in them larger than normal text on the page, this is a visual cue to users that this text is important and could help them understand something about the type of content underneath the heading text. Web users want to see what the content (and therefore the title) is about without having to click on it. Allowing the readers to read the whole title in the search results will attract more qualified leads and customers to your site because they will know what they’re getting on the other side of the link rather than just quickly clicking to see what the rest of the title is about. Google only show sitelinks for results when they think they’ll be useful to the user. If the structure of your site doesn’t allow Google's algorithms to find good sitelinks, or they don’t think that the sitelinks for your site are relevant for the user’s query, Google won’t show them. User experience improves with original content, quick page loading, pages that fulfill their promise and easy site navigation. Authority enhances a site’s longevity, and the quality of its backlinks plays a major role in this. If you are linking to good sites, and they are linking to you, then you gain authority. Authority sites also get indexed quicker and deeper.

Include a question (and answer) in your content

Always remember that the success of link building, along with advanced strategies such as the Skyscraper technique, depends on an effective outreach strategy. Only Google engineers know the secret google recipe! Google answers your search queries by checking them against it's enormous index of web content. Google continuously searches the internet using googlebots that scout for new web content to add to the index. Use keywords in the URL of your page. Using a website URL that’s full of symbols and numbers will hurt your ranking since most people aren’t searching for numbers or symbols. You will receive more traffic by giving your site relevant keywords. You can hire good writers, but that is often an expensive proposition. You may be under the impression that it will take an extensive amount of time to create enough content to make a difference or to start appearing in the search results. Just breathe. Even the creation of one blog post a week will reap you 52 posts over the period of a year.

Monitor the evolution of your search results

Without discounting the value of links and traffic, content is most likely the key element of a website's charisma. Good content will lead to links and traffic. Search engines decide rankings on what is called the results page. You will sometimes see me use the term SERP, which is the acronym for Search Engine Results Page. In a Google search, the search engine makes its decisions based on signals from websites and the person searching. A so-called website blocker is something that prevents search engines from accessing the site According to Gaz Hall, a UK SEO Consultant : "How recently your webpage was published is also a ranking signal – but different types of searches have different freshness needs, such as searches for recent events, hot topics, and regularly recurring events.2"

Personalization counts

A clear understanding of searcher’s intent will help the webmaster to create the content accordingly and users will get appropriate answers for their query. Hence, understanding the user perspective becomes really important. Local businesses can’t be fully evaluated on the basis of links. It’s also important to know what kinds of link-building strategies to avoid, so that you don’t waste your valuable time and effort doing something that can make Google sandbox your site (remove it from their search engine). The search engines analyze the reading level of the web page. One popular formula for doing this is the Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level Readability Formula, which considers things like the average word length and the number of words in a sentence to determine the level of education needed to be able to understand the sentence.