Which articles and posts get the most clicks? Not surprisingly, posts containing countdowns and Top 10 lists are heavily clicked. Not only do they get an enormous wave of traffic when first launched, but they’ll continue to attract traffic for months and even years later. Besides looking for established companies and Internet presences to learn from, you can also pick up some good tips and quick information from up and coming companies that are suddenly doing well in the rankings. Important elements of a website redesign oftentimes get pushed to the side when timeframes are constrained. One of the most important components of a new design project is to take time at the beginning to analyze current traffic to ensure current visitors are not lost. Organic SEO is a lengthy process. Not because it’s complicated to implement (though it can be), but because tracking what works versus what doesn’t requires a least a few months’ worth of results to analyze. Plus, you need numbers! Traffic. It’s tough to track what’s working if you don’t have a consistent flow of online visitors leaving digital footprints for you to analyze.

On its own, content does nothing for your business

No follow links are defined as the links which will not pass any link juice. Here, the link is set as no follow, meaning that the Google bot will not crawl the link and will not pass any link juice. The link does not count as a ‘vote’ in the page’s favour. Also, it will not boost page rank. A nofollow link is created with the nofollow link HTML tag. As we know Google’s algorithm updates primarily focus on devaluing links that aren’t relevant. The added advantage to local link building is that these kind of links are almost always relevant. Search engines are very clever in reading every little detail about your web page in order to rank all the sites that they store. It is advisable therefore to get some structure in your website files, rather than having them all loose in one huge folder. Building trust in the customer through your content is a must. Focusing on user intent helps do it. We write content for our audience. Until our audience trusts our content it is of no use. Trust helps get exposure for your brand. Use trust building words. Follow up what you say with facts.

The most obvious SEO tactic

Google just needs evidence that what is on a particular website is relevant to it’s viewers. Search engines have only recently started providing better tools to help webmasters improve their search results. This is a big step forward in SEO and the webmaster/search engine relationship. Reviews tell what other people, your customers, think of your product. If you respond to reviews, you show your (potential) customers that you care about their opinion. You can’t master SEO in a day, but you can resolve to make small steps in each of the areas of SEO that will make your site better and your efforts more impactful.

SEO is a lot more than keywords and rankings

If a URL is too long then it misses out on the benefit of having any keywords within it bolded, which will likely draw more attention to the user. When a search engine crawls your site, it moves slowly from one page to another by following the links on the page. As it does, it collects data about the content of your page. The basic thing you need to remember when doing SEO is that you want to get as many links from as many high quality websites as possible. This can be a difficult thing since getting your links approved can take a lot of time. According to SEO Consultant, Gaz Hall: " Look for resources that deal with similar topics to your own site. You may find many Internet projects that not in direct competition with you, but which share the same topic as your site. Try to approach the site owners. It is quite possible that they will be glad to publish information about your project. "

75% of users never view the second page of search results

Keyword stuffing occurs when too many variations of the same phrase are shoehorned to fit into important ranking factors, such as URLs, meta titles and descriptions, image alt text and body copy. This practice can significantly impair the user experience as the website is sculpted solely for search engines and not real people. People like to be engaged and feel involved. Having a question as a title will start a conversation by piquing people’s interests. They will want to know what the answer is. Doing research on your targeted audience will help you come up with questions to ask. (Ideally, they should be questions members of your audience would naturally ask.) A handy thing to know when you are acquiring links from other sources is the difference between follow and nofollow links. Targeting a hungry crowd can offer lots of benefits to your online business. This is because they are searching for immediate solutions to their questions or problems.