Don’t worry if you don’t have any formal training or education in your chosen area, Google will take into account the “amount of life experience” that makes them an expert on the topic and will value this as “everyday expertise.” Site owners must focus on the quality of the backlinks rather than number of backlinks. Quality links mean links from a relevant site with a higher authority. Write legible, readable copy, and treat the meta description as if it’s an advert for your web-page Keyword research is still useful when trying to decide on the most interesting topics for your audience. Keywords can still be part of your content, provided that they are added in context and at the right balance. There’s no need to sacrifice the quality of your content to include more keywords, as keyword stuffing can lead to the opposite of the result you want.

Be authentic

Google can’t depend on social media signals from platforms it doesn’t own and that are run by competitors like Facebook. If you want your content to stand out from the glut of online content and attract the kind of shares and links that boost search rankings, you’ve got to create epic content or “10X Content”. Most of the content that ranks in the top 10 of Google is over 2000 words in length, so you need to create long-form content. Web users want to see what the content (and therefore the title) is about without having to click on it. Allowing the readers to read the whole title in the search results will attract more qualified leads and customers to your site because they will know what they’re getting on the other side of the link rather than just quickly clicking to see what the rest of the title is about. Rest assured that real SEO has nothing to do with keyword stuffing, keyword density, hacks, tricks or cunning techniques. If you hear any of these terms from your SEO advisor, run away from them as quickly as you can.

The more content you produce, the more organic traffic and inbound links you will receive

Images, videos, slideshows and audio act as a signal of quality content to search engines… after all, you have put in the work to make your content look good and interactive! Another quick, and valuable SEO tactic – see what your competitors are ranking for. Go to one of the tools used to check out our own rankings, but put in a competitor domain. You’ll quickly see what terms they are getting traffic from, and can take the best for yourself! Simply put, engagement is the ability to hold a user’s attention. In SEO terms, it is a measure of the amount of time spent on a page. Although Google hasn’t officially declared it, there is evidence to suggest that this search engine giant does reward sites with strong user engagement with higher page ranking. Keyword mapping involves hierarchically classifying the keywords pertinent to your website by intent, relevance and significance, then segmenting them still further into groups and subgroups. The aim is to reach a point where each keyword you use can be closely associated with a single, specific page on your website, which should contain content that closely matches the keyword.

Optimize all content through SEO best practices

A good place to look for keywords is your internal site search. Offering visitors a search box within your site is good for users but also good for you, because it collects search query data. If you focus on providing the best content possible for the search keywords you want to rank for, then you will rank. This means great content with articles which have a minimum of 500 words which provide answers relevant to the search query. Duplicate content refers to a webpage’s content that appears in more than one place on the internet. According to SEO Consultant, Gaz Hall: "It has long been understood that Google’s ranking algorithm is complex (by design)."

The title tag is a visitor's first exposure to your site

A better average time on your website leads to a lower bounce rate and a greater user experience. Make the navigation through your website as smooth as possible. You can use some practical tools that’ll make it much easier to find keywords. You will still have to make a short list yourself (no corners to cut there), but once you have ten to twenty proper keywords, you can use several tools to find similar keywords. Using these tools will significantly speed up the process of coming up with long lists of keywords. Search Console shows your average position for each of the keywords you rank for and how many impressions and clicks this brings you. By highlighting your website, you help Google better understand your site’s data. Data highlighter allows you to highlight parts of your website through Google Webmaster Tools, without having to make any code changes.