In addition to your user experience, there are also a number of other factors that affect the usability of your website such as website load speed, server uptime, broken links, cross-device compatibility, learnability and clarity. By making sure your website is easy to use you’ll be helping to ensure that it can perform well in the search engines and will also help to convert your visitors into customers. Get reputable websites to link to you. You can achieve this by gaining a good following and reputation among your customers. There are a number of tools that let you check how many links are pointing to a site and what the authority of those pages are. Unfortunately none of them are perfect — the only way to know what links are pointing to your site is to have crawled those pages. Ranking high in Google can bring you some serious traffic too. When looking at a Google results page (often referred to as Search Engine Results Page, or SERP for short), the number one result alone brings in 31% of search traffic on average. Meaning, when people search for a keyword, 31% of those searches will click the first result.

The number of keyword phrases

Reviews are an important factor for SEO. They help potential customers trying to decide whether to trust you. If your local business has a Google+ page and is marked on Google Maps, you need to have reviews. The best thing you can do is encourage your customers to leave reviews if they’re satisfied with your service. Try offering them an incentive, such as a small discount if they click on a link and leave a review. Do a thorough check of your site to make sure it's displaying correctly with no missing content or error messages. If you've recently added a feature or new site design it could be it's slowing the site speed down or causing other problems. When it comes to search engine optimization, creating a mobile site should be at the core of any solid SEO plan. The job of an SEO specialist doesn’t stop with a couple of website tweaks and a few links scattered around the internet. Instead, the specialist has to be on the ball, constantly looking for trends like those noted above and finding new ways to maximize website traffic.

Don’t Quit Your Day Job

The SERP landscape is constantly changing, with Local listing and OneBoxes popping up everywhere. Ranking number one has obviously never been a walk in the park. But now we’re dealing with a much more complex environment. Google will be looking to see if you have put any time into the content or just put up some content with minimal work. They want to see that you have actually put some effort into putting together something useful to the visitor and that it is good quality content. For brands that can’t afford a full-service SEO agency, the mention of the word “link building” is enough to make them flinch. f someone is more actively seeking something then it’s more likely they’ll search longer strings of words, meaning that you will target people who will be more willing to engage with your content. If you’re selling goods or services, then targeting long tail keyword can really make a big difference.

Use relevant search terms in prominent places

Creating an SEO strategy can give your company and brand a boost in the search engines. Why not improve your ROI today? Use heading tags where it makes sense. Too many heading tags on a page can make it hard for users to scan the content and determine where one topic ends and another begins. Every market, every vertical, even every product has a unique SEO landscape. Patience and persistence will play key roles in your success. We asked an SEO Specialist, Gaz Hall, for his thoughts on the matter: "Including a Contact Us page on your website and putting the link in the navigation not only makes for good user experience (especially if you have an ecommerce site) but can also potentially earn you some Google juice."

SEO specificity best practice

The bottom line is that if you’re focusing on a small group of generic keywords, you’re probably not being found by most of the people who are searching for you. Back in 2011, you could use blog commenting to get 200 backlinks and quickly skyrocket your rankings on search engines. But, in today’s algorithm for search engines, the focus is on quality over quantity. The obvious engagement related thing is social media. Check some social platforms, starting with Facebook and Twitter and Instagram to see if your desired audience is present on these platforms. Either a piece of content can help your website’s search engine rankings or it can hurt your rankings.