Community hijacking involves finding online communities that are made up of your target market, or people that can reach your target market so that you can build a relationship with them and get them to promote your content/brand/product(s). In document analysis, search engines look at whether they find the search terms in important areas of the document—the title, the metadata, the heading tags, and the body of the text. User-generated content (UGC) sites and communities are two of my favourite places to find untapped keywords. Google collects user data on your site and makes further ranking decisions to determine where your content pages should be ranked in the organic results of search engines.

Your authorship byline will get you noticed

Search engines also rate keywords in header tags more heavily. By including relevant terms in your header tags, you are also boosting your SEO ranking against those keywords. SEOs constantly work to get new links connecting to their sites that are from sources of high authority. In the earlier days of SEO, sending out press releases with keyword optimized anchor texts would get you a dozens of backlinks. In some fortunate cases, this would even make your site crawl to the top positions on SERPs. So, eventually Press releases became a tactic to build links and rank high. The factors that search engines use to rank results include social media engagement, off-site optimization, topical authority, latent semantics, mobile friendless, local optimization, domain authority, and much more. That's where search engine optimization (SEO) comes in.

See what keywords your site is visible for

Effective content curation, better accessibility practices and proper information architecture are all key components for strong SEO. If everyone’s mobile device had a screen size and the power of a desktop computer, then there would not be much of an issue. However, this is clearly not the case. While smartphones are getting larger, their tiny screen simply can’t correctly render a website laid out for a computer screen. The text is simply too small and the buttons aren’t in the correct position. Google is now extremely advanced and answers around 15 percent of its search queries with the help of artificial intelligence (AI). This AI is called “Rankbrain” and consists of machine learning algorithms. The fact that search engines are getting smarter has very practical consequences for SEO. It doesn’t take hundreds to see the needle move, especially with Google’s ever-improving ability to detect low quality and manipulative links.

Start with seed keywords

Cloaking is a method which gives search engines the impression that a website carries content that is different to what users actually see: Google is showing Context is King when it comes to indexing people in Google's Index. when writing for the internet, break up your paragraphs as often as possible. Lots of white space makes reading text on mobile phones a heck of a lot easier (more than half of most websites’ traffic comes from mobile), and clearly formatted articles are used as a Google ranking signal. According to Gaz Hall, a UK SEO Consultant : "Efficient content organization seeks to reduce, minimize, or eliminate unnecessary on-page elements without compromising the creator’s free expression. SEO must support the style of the content creator, not dictate it."

Relevance is the key issue

The key is creating content ready to serve customers across various devices and platforms. Brands need to meet customers where they are in order to provide them information; but without data, this is impossible. Data can let brands know what their customers search for and what they want to see when they make these queries. Search-based competitive audits uncover the competitive landscape within the search results for a defined set of high-value topics. When you write headlines, it is not absolutely mandatory that you use keyphrases, but you get a decent bump in the search engines for putting them in headlines which are bolded with a larger font than the other text and capitalized. Titles display what your page is about to both visitors and search engine crawlers, while meta descriptions summarize the content of your page. Your title tags and meta descriptions must include the keywords you are trying to rank for.