For those seeking to sway public (or private) opinion about a particular topic, SEO can be a powerful tool. By promoting ideas and content within the search results for queries likely to be made by those seeking information about a topic, you can influence the perception of even very large groups. In the modern search landscape, a multitude of disciplines feed into organic success. Everything from Social and UX, to PR and Content plays a part in a fully realized organic search strategy. The title of a post is important for many reasons. Well-structured titles will help search engines understand what the page is about. The more webpages use the same keyword to point to a subpage, the more signals the search engine will receive indicating that this landing page must be very relevant for this keyword. This in turn means that the page will be ranked better for this and other similar keywords.

What promise do you make?

High-quality content on and off your website and using strategic link-building tactics (internal links and backlinks) is a critical component to achieving relevancy. This strategy protects the website’s viability against the frequent changes in Google’s rules and priorities. The days of self-serving, scammy, and spammy SEO are long-gone. And that’s a good thing. The ‘secret’ to success with SEO is no secret at all. Just focus on serving your audience’s needs and answering their questions in a thorough and empathetic way. You can’t expect Google to see you as an expert on a certain topic when you have only written two sentences about it. This indicates to Google that your page probably isn’t the best result to match the search query. Search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo use complex, evolving algorithms to call forth relevant results for search queries. And with trillions of web pages online, there’s a lot of competition. That said, there are a number of fundamental things you can do to make each page of your website more appealing to search engines.

The Truth: SEO and content marketing overlap. A lot.

Do you review and analyze your competitor’s website? You should. I do. I always keep an eye on the business across the street, or in my case, across the internet. Google is looking for authoritative sites that are actual businesses that are getting legitimate visitors to their site. When writing your content, be realistic about the chances of that content to rank. If you are in a highly competitive market, content works very well as a marketing tool and/or as input for social media. But it will probably not get you that number one spot in Google, and that’s fine. Manage your expectations. There are issues like helping Google understand the content on your pages and website, incoming links, page authority, domain authority, usage patterns, spam factors, canonical issues and much more.

Keyword groups are ready already

In an SEO scenario, Google likes to trust sites that have links from high quality, relevant sources. For example, large news websites don’t generally link to an untrusted source, nor do top quality industry blogs or university or .edu websites. Video content is a great way to drive engagement from your visitors. Facebook users are now watching over 100 million hours of video per day on the social network alone, and video is becoming an increasingly cost effective format for advertisers. From an organic search point of view, video has a few issues, especially if you're not hosting your video content through YouTube. The biggest problem is that search engines can't understand the content within video (yet). As you spend time identifying your target audience and conducting keyword research, you’ll begin to uncover long tail keywords that will help you identify the best options for naming and describing your product or service. According to Gaz Hall, a UK SEO Consultant : "Good SEO consultants are hard to locate and they are even harder to hire. This is because there aren’t a lot of high-quality SEO consultants available for hire. There are lots and lots of bad SEO consultants or young entrepreneurs who think they know SEO."

Off page optimisation techniques for better rankings

By now, you should be convinced that you want to be on the top of the SERPs. It never hurts to be #1 in the natural search results How powerful is your domain name? How well does it rank in those all-important search engines? The measure of your domain name’s power is called “domain authority,” and it depends on three general factors: size, age, and popularity. Currently more than half of searches account for mobile devices. Search engines typically assume that the more popular a site, page, or document, the more valuable the information it contains must be.