Search engine guidelines help us distinguish truly useful content from content that was created for the sake of earning traffic from search engines. When a Website is downgraded by search algorithms, penalized by spam teams, or deindexed completely, a good question to ask is which pages on the site are earning traffic from other sources and why? It’s not enough to just know your keywords. You must use them in the right way to fully develop long-term SEO value. The best tactics include assigning one keyword to each page on your website and optimizing that page using on-site SEO best practices. That way you always publish SEO friendly posts and page content. The rise of social media on the Web has created a host of new signals that search engines can consider. Website crawl-ability and making a website searchable goes beyond making sure Google can “crawl” the website. Understanding how a website’s users (including Google) are navigating a website is key to building an information architecture. Building the information architecture in a way that mirrors their thought processes will help both user types discover information on a website.

Expand as necessary.

You’ve created a website and published it on the web, but now you’re probably wondering how people — the right people, those who’ll be interested in who you are and what you do — will find you. You’ve heard about search engine optimization, or SEO, but don’t have the first clue how it works. Content marketing can be very effective in increasing traffic, generating leads, enabling sales – and contributing to SEO. A site that hasn’t done its keyword research is like a car driving in the dark down between two points. Keyword research is a constant and has been and still is a cornerstone of SEO. Do it before you do anything else! A Google research recently revealed that four out of five users trust search engines for local searches

Check the top 5 results

Even though keyword research is the first and most important step in your SEO strategy, there are a few corners to cut. Using tools to make a long list of potential keywords is a great way to speed up your keyword research. SEO is important for every website that wants to attract traffic. SEO for non-profits, in that regard, isn’t that different from SEO for other businesses. Don't be tempted by the huge numbers for broad keywords. With enough time and effort you might be able to rank for them, but you'd be battling large, established brands for unfocused visitors that might not even be ready to buy. Clearly define your objectives in advance so you can truly measure your ROI from any programs you implement.

Why Your Content Strategy Should Center Around Evergreen Content

If you have large sections of duplicate text page-to-page – that is a problem that should be targeted and removed. SEO is technical, complicated, time-consuming and potentially dangerous. The glitz, the glam, the glorious design elements that make your website look like a million bucks … When contemplating a website redesign, it’s easy to focus only on those features that are appealing to the eye. But to ensure your new site will truly resonate with your target audience (and to save yourself from some major headaches down the road) you need SEO to be ingrained in your redesign strategy from the very beginning. Gaz Hall, a Freelance SEO Consultant, commented: "Continually add keyword-rich content to your website to make it an authority on a particular topic. As you add more and more content to your website it will become more attractive to people seeking out information on your topic and people will be more likely to tell others about your great site. As search engine crawlers visit your site, they will keep encountering new material, which will encourage them to visit more frequently. The more frequently the search engine crawlers visit, the better."

Leverage the work your competitors have already done in link building

Offsite references, reviews, and social links play a role in how your content performs on search engines. Inbound links to your site are still important, and so is a logical sitemap with internal linking among pages. Search engines scan captions and metadata separately, so remember to think about how you have tagged and named your original media files too. The Google-led open source project AMP, or Accelerated Mobile Pages, has one goal: loading your pages as fast as possible People have different search behaviours and of course languages based on their location so you need to adapt to these factors in order to rank on search engines.