Each year more than 2.8 trillion search queries are made on Google alone. This means that Google answers more than 88,700 searches worldwide per second.i In other words: Every second that your website is not indexed on Google, you miss out on hundreds, if not thousands, of opportunities in which someone might have accessed your website, viewed your content, and bought your product or services. When you run the same query on different search engines, you will probably get different results. This is because every search engine uses its own algorithm, based on various socalled “ranking factors.” These factors decide which results appear in the SERPs. SEO works by modifying elements on a website like the meta title and meta description of a page to ‘optimize’ it to get the most possible traffic. ‘Keyword targeting’ can determine which words you should be aiming for, and getting links from other high authority sites and creating relevant content on your web page and via articles on your site can shift your website up in search rankings over time. If you perform an SEO audit now and then, you make sure your website’s up-to-date. It should be part of your frequent site maintenance cycle, I think.

Use Social Bookmarking To Boost Page Rank

Essentially, try to keep in mind that Google no longer works by trying to match the search terms exactly in your content. You can see this yourself when you search Google. Search ‘eat yellow bananas’ and many of the results that come up won’t actually include those precise words! Without considering a search engine user's intent, you will attract too much unqualified traffic. For certain types of product and business, SEO sometimes won’t be as successful in generating a high ROI as Google’s paid-advertising platform, AdWords. To optimize your keyword research for local SEO, brainstorm keywords or phrases with a geo-modifier that customers might use when searching for a business like yours.

You are a secret waiting to be discovered

To ensure that your website or web pages are discovered by users conducting searches in Google, you must implement the right tactics that appeal to the needs of users and search engines alike. From an SEO perspective, I never treat a piece of content as ‘complete’. There is always room for improvement with updates, additional information, and various other things that can make it more useful to visitors. Learning search engine optimization can be overwhelming at first. There is a lot to wrap your mind around. But becoming proficient in SEO is definitely an achievable undertaking. Search Engine Optimization is a very hot topic on the World Wide Web. After-all, everybody wants to rank higher and come up on the first page of Google search and get more traffic.

Create great content people want to read

Having more pages that are optimized for different keywords gives you increased opportunity for traffic. It doesn't necessarily mean more traffic, though, since it depends on how popular and how competitive those new keywords are. As search engine algorithms adjust to accommodate the change in content, likely towards video, it will be important for marketers to optimize their content accordingly in order to best increase overall organic traffic. The best domain names are short, snappy,  include your best keywords, easy to remember, and easy to spell. Including keywords in your domain name will be useful for sites like Bing in particular that place great emphasis on including keywords. We asked an SEO Specialist, Gaz Hall, for his thoughts on the matter: "Google has always encouraged webmasters to make their primary focus one of providing a good user experience. As the algorithm gets “smarter”, websites that do so are positioned to benefit the most."

Google recommends quality content

Many companies underestimate how much time and money it takes to be successful with SEO. Success by any standard rarely comes within the first 3 months, even with a healthy SEO budget. SEO takes time, resources, and money if you outsource. You need to go into this journey expecting to spend time working on SEO for the long-term. Both Google and Bing take page-loading speed into account in their website ranking algorithm. The higher your site ranks in the search engines the more visitors you will get from them. Search engines focus on keywords: the words that people type into a seach engine when looking for something. Your aim is to make sure that your site ranks well for the keywords relevant to your site.